Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Pemimpin Reaktif dan Pemimpin Proaktif

Learning leadership :
Seseorang walaupun ia menduduki jabatan puncak disebuah lembaga atau perusahaan, tetaplah
ia seorang manusia yang memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, yang memiliki sifat-sifat manusia pada umumnya. Sifat-sifat yang dimiliki seorang pemimpin tidak lepas dari latar belakang kehidupannya,
pendidikan, dengan siapa bergaul dan yang lebih utama lagi sosialisasi nilai – norma serta keterampilan yang pertama kali diterimanya.
Karena itu, kita kerap dipertemuman dengan cerita para pemimpin dikalangan orang-orang
yang dipimpinnya, baik mengenai kelebihan maupun kekurangannya.  Bahkan kekurangan seorang pemimpin lebih seru untuk dibicarakan dari kelebihannya dalam memimpin. Dari sekian banyak sifat, maka pemimpin dengan sifat reaktif dan pemimpin proaktif  menjadi pokok pembicaraan , untuk kita kaji ciri-cirinya, sehingga, kita bisa belajar , dimana titik lemah dan titik kelebihan dari sifat pemimpin reaktif dengan sifat pemimpin proaktif.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015



Dalam sebuah perusahaan memiliki  struktur organisasi yang mencerminkan pembagian wewenang, tanggungjawab  dan  beban pekerjaan, yang  dimiliki oleh setiap individu yang ada diperusahaan tersebut.  Dari jabatan, tanggungjawab dan beban pekerjaan terendah ( low skill ) hingga ke jabatan puncak.  Keberadaannya peran setiap orang  tercermin dari posisinya  di struktur  organisasi yang ada diperushaan atau lembaga tempat ia bekerja.
 Dari struktur organisasi, setiap orang memiliki wewenang, tanggungjawab dan beban pekerjaan, yang menjadi melekat kedalam dirinya.  Status sosial, prestise, kesejahteraan tercermin juga pada struktur organisasi perusahaannya. Karena itu, setiap orang menjadi sangat berarti bagi yang lainnya yang ada di perusahaan atau lembaga tersebut.  Bahkan, ketika produk yang dihasilkannya menentukan dan dibutuhkan orang banyak, maka, keberartiannya menjadi makin besar.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Soft Power of Leader

Soft Power of a leader
A leader must be prepared in the puja, but also must be ready in invective. There have been many leaders who became the talk, condemned, despised, ignored by people - people they lead. In front of them look very respectful towards their leaders, they speak sweetly, as if there is no problem, if all goes normally. However, behind all that, she became a trending topic material exclamation subordinates.

If a leader was the topic of his subordinates, not only subordinates bad, ethical or other less understood, however, must also ask what is lacking in self superiors. Because, there may be the talk if there is no problem.

If the subordinates talk about leaders, there could be a weakness, can be in the form of harsh words of a leader, the concept of thinking that are less realistic, too selfish, arrogant, do not understand the strategy of how to raise his institution, does not have the leadership, or sexual harassment against subordinates etc.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Prophetic mission leader


Prophetic mission leader

Being a leader is wanted by many people, especially leaders who manage the business dimancanagera with billions of dollars of assets. Prestigious position and income, equipped with luxury cars, luxury apartments, vacation into a wah and all the other advantages. However, many people do not know, how much weight should be on the responsibility of the leader.

A leader are responsible for the progress of the institution or the company he leads.
Perfection organization, personal keterlatihan people they lead, the benefits the company or institution led, value added or Integration institution he leads the country etc, all in the palm of responsibility.

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Travail d'équipe pour un rôle de chef de file

Travail d'équipe pour un rôle de chef de file

Un leader doit être visionnaire, capable d'assigner des missions ditargetkannya, a la gestion et la stratégie conceptuelle. Toutefois, une entreprise ou une institution non seulement nécessite vision, la mission et la stratégie de la direction d'un chef d'entreprise. L'entreprise et le leader prend le travail d'équipe pour réaliser la vision, la mission et concepts de gestion qu'il veut.

Un leader est une entreprise pilote ou un pilote. Il déterminante décision, avant ou en arrière en fonction de la décision. Il a établi le rythme des progrès de la société. Vous aimeriez rapide ou lent, comme un gros bénéfice ou un petit bénéfice, le tout sur les épaules d'un leader.

Mais, peu importe combien un leader, il ne pouvait penser, les stratégies de conception, et la verser dans la stratégie d'entreprise. Mais, ne est pas celui qui travaillent dur dans le domaine. Il a besoin de l'aide des autres, à faire techniquement une série de mesures dans le domaine de sorte que la vision, la mission et la stratégie va en fonction de qui ont rédigé,

Teamwork for a leaders role

Teamwork For a leader role

A leader must be visionary, able to assign missions ditargetkannya, has conceptual management and strategy. However, a company or an institution not only requires vision, mission and strategy of the management of a corporate leader. The company and the leader takes teamwork to realize the vision, mission, and managerial concepts he wants.

A leader is a pilot or driver company. He determinant decision, forward or backward depending on the decision. He set the rhythm of the company's progress. Want to move fast or slow, like a big profit or a small profit, all on the shoulders of a leader.

But, no matter how great a leader, he could only think, design strategies, and pour it into the corporate strategy. But, is not he who work hard in the field. He needs the help of others, to do technically a variety of measures in the field so that the vision, mission and strategy goes according to which have drafted,

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Biografi Jendral Soedirman


Panglima Besar Jendral Soedirman adalah sosok militer paling dikagumi dalam sejarah militer Indonesia. Tidak saja insting miuliternya yang kuat, tetapi, strategi perangnya jitu dan dialah arsitek perang gabungan yang melibatkan semua unsure pasukan Indonesia didalam perang merebut ibukota Yogyakarta dan dalam ambarawa, menghadapi pasukan Inggris yang sangat kuat. Lahir 24 Januari 1916 di Purbalingga, Jawa tengah dari ibu bernama Siyem dan ayah Karsid Kartowirodji seorang pekerja pabrik gula. Ia anak angkat asisten wedana Rembang, Raden Tjokrosoenaryo, yang juga saudara dari ibunya. Pendidikannya diawali di Sekolah Taman siswa, dilanjutkan ke sekolah guru ( HIK ) Muhammadiyah dan selama di sekolah ia aktif sebagai Pramuka. Ketika Jepang masuk dan membuka peluang pemuda Indonesia menjadi Pasukan Pembela Tanah Air, Soedirman muda ikut mendaftarkan diri menjadi anggota Peta.

 Kecerdasannya membuat ia dengan mudah menyerapkan ilmu perang dan strategi perang , dan teknis pertempuran yang diajarkan tentara Jepang serta adaptasinya sesuai kondisi alam Indonesia.

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Succer faktors of a leader

Success factors of a leader A leader can be successful due to several factors, both internal as well as external factors such as: 1. He has a clear vision of what the future should look like his institution. He gave a clear description of the desired future conditions as well as what the culture, the super structure and infrastructure 2. Vision nice if only in the mind of the leader will not be realized. Therefore, the socialization of vision is very important, so that those who lead will have some idea what they do fit their roles and responsibilities. 3. Vision nice and well socialized, yet give a more detailed description, therefore, a leader must make it into missions companies or institutions they lead. Thus, the target is clear, the way the process becomes clearer, the construction of the connection system also becomes very clear.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

They are the best CEO !!!

They are the best CEO !!! The best CEOs not without reason. They were selected because of the quality. They were selected as recognized both by friends, people he leads, as well as by the shareholders and other stakeholders. They succeed and excel. There are factors that differentiate and at the level of their seats the highest, namely: 1. Has a prominent breakthroughs when the lead agency or the company he leads. They lifted the company to the brink of ruin, bankruptcy become top companies, blue chip, which is hunted by investors. They made a breakthrough that makes consumers happy, loyal and more efficient. For their shareholders happy as a profit or a large capital gain. 2. He is the man managed to improve the performance of the company. He can give strength to all figures and existing roles instituted or company, so with all the power they willingly work as closely as possible, and show the best performance for the company. 3. Companies that leads able to contribute significantly to the economic development of the country. Either in the form of business profits, employment and the formation of qualified human resources globally. 4.Dia is a figure who designed the austerity measures, effectiveness, productivity, and increase the competitiveness of companies both national and global level. 5. The company he leads has always been and continues to strive to build and pass on good practices good corporate governance 6.He is the desired figure of employees to continue to lead, he also figures required shareholder, owner of the company, the government and even the public at large. They are the best CEO

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Want in pursuing high salary ??

In pursuing a high salary? who did not want to. Sense of healthy people will seek higher salaries would be pursued. Of the pursuit of high salaries, ga to the point. Certainly hurt. Not to high blood lurk. High salary desired by many people. Pictured beautiful, happy, happiness and a long list of other participating accompaniment. Dizaman now, high salaries are no longer imaginary, many who have felt and proved. Of several millions, tens of millions to hundreds of millions, plus a high office, bonuses and amenities of home, automobile, technology facilities, holiday allowances and even the company's stock. High salaries could owned by anyone, but, there is a standard of competence possessed by the high-paying, let alone pursued high salary. Many companies are looking for people with the high quality and able to meet the high salaries demanded. In fact, many companies who hijack other company personnel to meet their needs. Then what is competence? there are several factors, such as outlined below, namely: First: the passion in the work, both strong character and attitude, Third: have a track record in terms of its contribution to the first he worked, Fourth: intelligence in bringing new companies kelevel highest and left the company to competitors who are generally measured from market share to profit performance, fifth: the courage to face new challenges with all the risks. Being a leader is not a lot of delicious. He should be facing opposition, sometimes from their own colleagues, not the employee, person or party aggrieved by the style of leadership, management pattern, cultur desired work etc. Sixth: have extensive networking, making it easy to mobilize all potential network to expand his company. Finally: the ability to lobby. Lobbying partners, officials, shareholders, and other stakeholders. This capability is needed to launch a wide range of projects and the target company. Want in pursuing high salary ??? Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs WebPeluang Pa

Nature leader fail

Nature leaders fail Many people aspire to become leaders. Various methods are used to being a leader. Of the test honestly to the cheating. From the hard work professionally to always licked on. Size leaders who are successful and who failed leaders, not just visible from the trail of his work, but also can be seen on the personal traits everyday. The subordinate of the leader can clearly give an objective assessment of what kind of quality leaders in institutions or his company. There are many properties that reflect the leaders failed: 1. Arrogant, these properties are not well-liked by his subordinates. The subordinates are generally reluctant to support the arrogant leader. They work half-heartedly and will not be willing to sacrifice for the arrogant leader. They are afraid, claimed his hard work as a successful leader overbearing, and the other side not appreciate the arrogant leader kerjakerasnya for this. 2. Stubborn, sometimes stubborn nature is required, but, if stubborn forever and do not want to receive input from subordinates, subordinates will then withdrawn slowly, not only feel unappreciated but also wanted to test whether the stubborn leader succeed without the support of people underneath. 3. Picik, insular attitude reflects the selfishness and lack of vision mirror. The subordinate would be difficult to communicate with the provincial leaders, worried all the good ideas and concepts dealt think that is ripe with attitude and way of thinking meanly by his superiors. 4. emotional, irritable attitude gives the distance in communicating with superiors. The subordinate was always haunted by the fear of being scolded by his boss, especially when they make mistakes. The subordinate want a solution to the problems faced in the field. Because, situations that create stress field and made him unable to think jernis, therefore when facing bosses responded with an emotional attitude, not a solution to the problems it faces, the subordinates will feel like you do not have a leader. They like to be left behind in the mud problem. Facing emotional leader who made them did not have a power supply models, their increased stress, stress due to employment problems, emotional stress because of the attitude of nine leaders. 5. No charge. The subordinates more eerie yet have a leader who is not responsible. There is supposed to be the leader of the largest bear the burden of responsibility, not subordinates. But when the boss or leader irresponsible, subordinates will feel burdened beyond the limits of its powers. If there is a problem manager will run from problems, subordinates will become firefighters, even to the accused. 6. Lazy, lazy attitude exists on anyone. But if every day is difficult lazy understood and tolerated. Lazy leaders will know how to delegate work to subordinates. Battered his subordinates will do all the work of lazy boss. More terrifying for subordinates when the leader bonus meberi lazy or unmotivated to promote his career. Lazy leaders will make a motion company or institution he leads will move limped towards regression to finally disappear abandoned bawahanny Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs WebPeluang Pasar Global Matikan terjemahan instan

Sifat –sifat para pemimpin gagal

Sifat –sifat para pemimpin gagal Banyak orang berhasrat menjadi pemimpin. Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin. Dari yang melakukan tes dengan jujur hingga yang curang. Dari dengan kerja keras secara professional hingga selalu menjilat keatasan. Ukuran siapa para pemimpin yang sukses dan siapa pemimpin yang gagal, tidak saja terlihat dari jejak hasil kerjanya, tetapi juga dapat terlihat dari sifat-sifat pribadinya sehari-hari. Para bawahan dari sang pemimpin dapat dengan jelas memberikan penilaian objektif seperti apa kualitas pemimpin yang ada di lembaga atau perusahaanya. Ada banyak sifat yang mencerminkan pemimpin gagal : 1. Sombong, sifat ini sangat tidak disukai oleh para bawahan. Para bawahan umumnya malas untuk mendukung pemimpin yang sombong. Mereka bekerja setengah hati dan tidak akan mau berkorban untuk pemimpin yang sombong. Mereka takut, hasil kerja kerasnya diklaim sebagai sukses pemimpin sombong, dan disisi lain sang pemimpin sombong tak menghargai kerjakerasnya selama ini. 2. Keras kepala, ada kalanya sifat keras kepala dibutuhkan, tetapi, kalau keras kepala selamanya dan tak mau menerima masukan dari bawahan, maka para bawahannya akan mundur pelan-pelan, bukan saja merasa tak dihargai tetapi juga ingin menguji apakah pemimpinnya yang keras kepala itu berhasil tanpa dukungan orang-orang dibawahnya. 3. Picik, sikap picik mencerminkan sikap egois dan cermin orang kurang wawasan. Para bawahan akan kesulitan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sang pemimpin picik, khawatir segala ide baiknya dan konsep berfikir yang sudah matang ditanggapi dengan sikap dan cara berfikir picik oleh atasannya. 4. Emosional, sikap mudah marah memberi jarak dalam berkomunikasi dengan atasan. Para bawahan selalu dihantui rasa takut dimarahi oleh atasannya, apalagi ketika mereka melakukan kesalahan. Para bawahan ingin solusi atas masalah yang dihadapi dilapangan. Karena, situasi dilapangan yang membuat stress dan membuatnya tak mampu berfikir jernis, karena itu ketika menghadap atasan ditanggapi dengan sikap emosional , bukan solusi atas masalah yang dihadapinya, para bawahan akan merasa seperti tidak memiliki pemimpin. Mereka seperti ditinggalkan dalam kubangan masalah. Menghadap pemimpin yang emosional membuat mereka tidak memiliki sumber kekuatan suri tauladan, meraka menjadi bertambah stressnya, stress karena masalah pekerjaan, stress karena sikap emosional sanga pemimpin. 5. Tidak bertanggung jawab. Para bawahan lebih ngeri lagi memiliki pemimpin yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Seharusnya pemimpinlah yang terdapan dalam menanggung beban tanggungjawab terbesar, bukan bawahan. Tetapi bila atasan atau pemimpinnya tak bertanggungjawab, para bawahan akan merasa dibebani tanggungjawab diluar batas kewenangannya. Bila ada masalah pemimpin akan lari dari masalah, bawahan akan menjadi pemadam kebakaran, bahkan menjadi terdakwa. 6. Malas, sikap malas ada pada siapapun. Tetapi kalau malas setiap hari sulit difahami dan ditoleransi. Pemimpin malas akan pandai mendelegasikan pekerjaan kepada bawahannya. Bawahannya akan babak belur mengerjakan semua pekerjaan dari bos malasnya. Lebih mengerikan lagi bagi bawahan bila sang pemimpin malas meberi bonus atau malas mempromosikan karirnya. Pemimpin malas akan membuat gerak perusahaan atau lembaga yang dipimpinnya akan bergerak tertatih-tatih menuju kemunduran untuk akhirnya hilang ditinggalkan bawahannya.

Leadership impian

 Siapakan yang pantas menjadi leader impian ? bagaimana standar menjadi leader impian ? Apakah anda bisa menjadi leader impian ?