Soft Power of a leader
A leader must be prepared in the puja, but also must be ready in invective. There have been many leaders who became the talk, condemned, despised, ignored by people - people they lead. In front of them look very respectful towards their leaders, they speak sweetly, as if there is no problem, if all goes normally. However, behind all that, she became a trending topic material exclamation subordinates.
If a leader was the topic of his subordinates, not only subordinates bad, ethical or other less understood, however, must also ask what is lacking in self superiors. Because, there may be the talk if there is no problem.
If the subordinates talk about leaders, there could be a weakness, can be in the form of harsh words of a leader, the concept of thinking that are less realistic, too selfish, arrogant, do not understand the strategy of how to raise his institution, does not have the leadership, or sexual harassment against subordinates etc.
Being a leader is not easy, because, not only to be educated, get a lot of training, have a lot of experience in many positions from the lowest to the office to take her into the top leaders dilembaganya, but also has the vision, the ability to formulate a mission, the concept of strategic management, strategic management , good at reading quality resources and form of existing resources into high quality, but also must have a soft power that can be used in a timely manner and the target.
Soft power to be held are:
1. personal piety than average people they lead and recognized by the leaders of other institutions, and community environment. Because high-quality personal piety will radiate authority and tranquility and comfort people nearby. The subordinates will also feel a leader who guided him to a straight path the Creator, they will think together in working with a sense of sincerity, they think have a dependable leader. There is no reason to blaspheme those who have spiritual intelligence, which became a pious man, even they would feel the need to learn a lot from how to educate spiritual leaders.
2. Responsible, responsible attitude required to be owned by a leader. He must be ready to take over all the responsibilities that occur instituted lead. Because, everyone who worked at the institution works in accordance with the vision, mission, strategy management, and work patterns that have been determined and always directed by him. Therefore, if an error occurs, it means that there is something lacking in the institution, which means that he must be a fix, match them, kordinasikan, and instruct, he must print version of the new work, which address the various problems that occur instituted lead.
3. Honesty and patience, fairness, a leader will give birth to confidence in the leaders of the people they lead. Attitude tolerate institutions and various behavioral problems that are less than the various parties will make people seemed to have a parent-led, which although can be angry, but can wrap it with refinement and words, they feel be acknowledged, appreciated and excused from various shortcomings.
4. Willing to sacrifice, the leader who put the interests of the institution rather than personal interests would be greatly respected by his subordinates. Subordinate fate is determined by decisions taken by his superiors and when the decision was favorable fate of subordinates, then, the subordinate would feel very protected, they feel safe, they feel really - really have a leader and is ready to support leaders who have sacrificed for him and his family.
5. Prioritize regeneration. Many leaders who provide training, many giving duties and responsibilities, providing work experience, the experience of making decisions, experience the creative act is defined as a capable leader and appreciate all the potential subordinates. They feel as if being driven pursue their full potential, they will feel and think is being molded into a leader. And when they are given a higher position, meaning they are being appreciated by its leaders. Institutionally, the process of regeneration shows the process management and a healthy body.
6. Communicative, ability to communicate will bring leaders and led. Excellent communication skills can make employees exposed to the problems encountered and can convey what it is without hesitation. For a leader, honest information from people who worked with him means getting accurate information of what happened dilembaganya, also, a very good input and needed to enhance the institution, increasing profit and socio-economic role of institutions, improvement of all its potential resources and can determine the level of welfare of the people he leads, all of it as a good and effective communication. Instead, the leaders closed and shut out the information directly subordinate, not only became a leader who does not understand the people, the problems that exist dilembaganya, but also can result he could not formulate an appropriate strategy to promote the institution he leads.
7. Rational and objective. The subordinate will assess the spoken word for word their leaders, rational or not, objective or not, will determine the image and quality leader in the eyes of his subordinates. However, those who led will feel calm, comfortable and willing to sacrifice if it has a rational and objective leader in making decisions and assessing performance of subordinates.
8. Firmly and discreet. The ability to be assertive is needed if the situation does require a firm stance, but a leader must also be wise when there is a situation that supports it should take a wise attitude.
9. Consistent, consistent attitude toward what he had visikan, misikan, strategikan, and what he said, and used as the basis of determining both in assessing himself a leader, as well as in assessing the performance of the management of the institution he leads. Therefore, the subordinate will assess and negative attitudes toward leaders inconsistent, especially when inconsistencies that adversely impact the institutions in which they work.
There are many other forms of soft power, which falsifies qualities of a leader. Keep in
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